We will be happy to present us, to answer your questions and to help you in your search :
agence Lylho
15 rue Chantepie
95690 Labbeville
Tél.: 33 (0)1 34 70 80 42
Fax : 33 (0)1 34 70 80 42
High definition digital image is done from our photographs . 300 dpi high definition at up to 12 x 8 inches is realized on professional rotary scan.
For a format bigger, we can make a new high definition digital image from our original transparencies.album
During your search your will create your album. For a month and at any time, you can go back to your album, complete and modify it.
When you judge it to be finished, you will ask for an estimate or send your order.
You don't have time to search or you're looking for something in particular?
Let us search for you
claude@lylho.comloan conditions
High resolution file are lent for one use only. Images cannot be redistributed, syndicated or copies for use anywhere else, either internally or externally.
You can ask for an estimate when your project is complete and fill out the form at the end of your album.
The user licence is only effective after full payment of all royalties.
Any reproduction has to be followed by the mention Lylho.com, either at the bottom of page or clearly identified in photographic credits.
Author, title, place of conservation must be mentioned for works of art.
Works are covered by copyright for a period of 70 years following the calendar year in which their author died. The user must obtain all authorisations that may be necessary and pay any royalties due to the artists, their heirs or assigns when their works are not in the public domain. Such royalties are generally collected by the ADAGP, 11 rue Berryer, 75008 Paris, phone 33 (0) 143 590 979, in the case of works by Matisse, by the Matisse estate, 61 quai de la Tournelle, 75005 Paris, phone 33 (0) 146 330 278, in the case of works by Picasso, by the Picasso administration, 7 place Vendôme, 75001 Paris, phone 33 (0) 147 036 970
We give high resolution file only after receiving requested authorizations.
Under some legislation, authorizations must be requested from the owners of the required work.
The Agence Lylho shall not be held liable in the event of use of a document without all the required authorizations.
For use in advertising, please describe exactly your projectcommande (NON TRADUIT !!!)
Au reçu de votre bon de commande - soit par fax ou courrier, sur papier à en-tête de l'utilisateur à qui la facture sera adressée, accompagné de votre lettre accréditive - soit par e.mail en utilisant notre formulaire, nous vous enverrons par la Poste votre CD Rom haute définition (les frais d'expédition seront à votre charge).Delivery
When we receive your payment, we will mail you a high definition CD Rom (expedition fees are at your expense).
Your CD Rom will be sent with a loan bill. Please send back a signed copy.
We will happy to receive your comments and suggestions at nathalie@lylho.com Thank you.means of payment
Upon receipt of your order, we will send you an invoice. Please note that payment is required in advance for any type of use.